Requirements to become a VCP-DCV 2020

Want to become VMware VCP - DCV certified but not sure of the requirements?

This is a question I am asked a lot on the Install Configure Manage course I teach so I thought I'd explain what the requirements and the steps are.

There are several levels of certification from VMware, VCA, VCP, VCAP and VCDX and there are different certification tracks that you can study - Data Center, Network, Cloud Management & Automation and Desktop & Mobility. In this post, I am going write about the VMware Certified Professional - Data Center Virtualisation or VCP-DCV as it's written in short.

The first thing that we need to know is that the certification you gain now carries the year you became certified rather than the product version, so if you fulfilled the requirements to be a VCP-DCV this year, you would become a VCP-DCV 2020.

The steps to become a VCP-DCV 2020 are listed in the Certification section under Education Services on VMware's website...

If you go to the above website you will see a page like this...

From the drop down menu, you select which option you match. Now for most people I meet on the courses, they have not previously been a VCP so the default 'no VCP certifications' is the correct choice.

1) Gain experience with vSphere 6.7

This can often be a chicken and egg situation for those students new to vSphere as their companies generally won't let them near their *virtualised environments because they don't have any experience and they can't get the experience because they are not allowed access. However the VMware Hands on Labs (see previous blog post) can be a really great resource for those wishing to get some first hand experience.

*I'm using virtualised with an S as I'm based in England but write it with a Z if I am quoting the name of an actual certification or course title.

2) Attend one of the required training courses.

VMware have had a requirement for a student wishing to become a VCP to attend a qualifying course for as long as I can remember. The current list of courses are shown below...

The most popular course from the list is the Install, configure and manage (ICM) course although if students feel that they have sufficient knowledge and would benefit from a more advanced course, then the Optimize and Scale course is a good fit. A faster paced version of the ICM course is available combined with the What's New course is also available.

3) Pass one of the Foundation exams.

Well, there is only one foundation exam now that the 6.0 and 6.5 foundation exams have been retired however, if you had taken and passed one of those previous versions then that would still qualify towards your VCP - DCV 2020. 

This has always been a non proctored exam which means it is taken online. The exam guide details the areas of the product that you need to know and it follows the content of the ICM course quite well. When you book your first VMware exam, you will be asked to create a Pearson Vue test taker account and you will need to link your VMware candidate ID to that account you have just created. 

4) Pass one of the Professional Data Center Virtualization exams.

Again, there is only one exam - the Professional vSphere 6.7 exam but I fully expect that there will be a version 7.0 of this exam at some point soon. VMware will then eventually retire the 6.7 version of the exam however they tend to give plenty of notice of any exam retirements on the VMware Education Blog 

This exam has traditionally been done in a testing centre but now VMware have announced that exams can be done online (check the link to the VMware Education Blog above and you'll see the recent post). There is another exam guide that covers the areas you will be tested on and those areas closely match the content of the Optimize and Scale course which is not mandatory but highly recommended.

Once you've done all of that then VMware can see that you have attended a qualifying course and passed both exams and you will then be VCP - DCV 2020!


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