Want to become VMware VCP - DCV certified but not sure of the requirements? This is a question I am asked a lot on the Install Configure Manage course I teach so I thought I'd explain what the requirements and the steps are. There are several levels of certification from VMware, VCA, VCP, VCAP and VCDX and there are different certification tracks that you can study - Data Center, Network, Cloud Management & Automation and Desktop & Mobility. In this post, I am going write about the VMware Certified Professional - Data Center Virtualisation or VCP-DCV as it's written in short. The first thing that we need to know is that the certification you gain now carries the year you became certified rather than the product version, so if you fulfilled the requirements to be a VCP-DCV this year, you would become a VCP-DCV 2020. The steps to become a VCP-DCV 2020 are listed in the Certification section under Education Services on VMware's website... https://www.vmware.com/educat
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