Free eBooks

These are 2 of the best books I recommend to my students in the courses I teach...

vSphere Host Resources Deep Dive (6.5) By Frank Denneman and Niels Hagoort,

If you want to have a really deep understanding about how an ESXi host handles resource management then this is the book for you. It also goes into a lot of depth about processor architecture and topics such as vNUMA. Even though it is based on ESXi 6.5, there is still a ton on incredibly useful information within. Download this book here...

vSphere Clustering Deep Dive (6.7) By Duncan Epping, Frank Denneman and Niels Hagoort.

This book goes really deep into how vSphere HA works and how to create a robust HA cluster along with explaining how to get the best out of DRS, network resource pools and resources allocation settings. There is never enough time to go through all the minute detail in class but you'll find it here in this book. Download this book here...


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